Tomfo Yamba Scandi

14 awesome wall hooks and wooden knobs for your home

Tomfo-14-wooden-hooks-and-knobsTomfo-14-wooden-hooks-and-knobs-to-loveIt was the day the hooks cleaned the house for me,

{all by themselves}

That I fell in love.


And became…

totally hooked.


On wall hooks,


wooden knobs.


I just love what they can do.


Bring order.

Clean the house for you.

Take you to a happy place.

{I think they look beautiful}

Design and function – a perfect match.



They can keep the things you use all the time

close at hand,

like bags and favourite jewels.




They’re fabulous in bathrooms too.




Or to hold beautiful objects above concrete stools.



Or artwork.

Even Macrame Wall Hangings you made yourself.



They can band together with a pallet shoe rack to become a command centre

to keep bags tidy and hats handy.




Hang clothes and hats for the next day.

{and precious medals too}.


Or hold scarfs and jewellery behind a door.


I think I love these one’s the best…

Out on the deck.




They hold



cooler bags


everyone else’s bags,

so they don’t clutter the table.



When people come to our house

they all put their bags on the hooks.

It’s a running joke.

And I love it.

{Makes my heart sing.}



I found you 14 awesome hooks and wooden knobs

so you can fall in love…

with these guys,

just like me.

1. Gallery Wall Clips //  2. Norrbyn Knob // 3. Can’t Miss Wall Knob White // 4. Wooden Wall Hooks Cross  //  5. Twinkle Twinkle Wall Hook  //  6.Can’t Miss Airplane Knob  //  7. Enudden knob  //  8.Ahoy Wall Hook  // 9. Tjusig  // 10. Wooden Wall Hooks  // 11. Coloured Wooden Wall Knobs   // 12. Wall Hook Adventure  //  13. Weather Pattern Wall Hook  // 14. That-A-Way Wall Hook


Just like the hook in a song…

that is always repeated.


That one line…

the listener remembers,

long after the song is over…


Hooks and knobs have hummed their way into my home.


Got any wall hooks or wooden knobs that need to whistle their way into my heart?

Do you love hooks like me?


Have a great weekend guys.


Live with Love,




I’m linking up with With Some GraceHIT and the Ultimate Rabbit Hole.

PS: This is not a sponsored post, just passing on my finds to you.
{Although, I’ll totally love to test some of these out}

You can never have enough hooks and knobs.





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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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