Tomfo Yamba Scandi

14 inspirational quotes for kids

I believe our lives are made up of many tiny stories,


Inspirational people…


So, I asked some of my family to give me a quote or saying that we could put on our son’s wall, we’re doing a makeover on his bedroom, (check it out here) and I wanted to personalise the space with our own story.

I gave them 2 days to get back to me…

Here’s what happened.


Mum was first to reply…


She said, I like…

Wake up and be awesome!…

Fitting… she’s awesome herself!

Patient, generous, loving, nuturing, a whole lot of awesome rolled into one.

If my little guy has half as much awesome as her, he’ll be doing great.



Grandpa Darcy said…

It’s the bass that makes them dance…Darcy Wright



He’s a pretty famous Bass player…
and it’s what he says all the time, I love it!


He was ranked by Rolling Stone magazine as one of the top 10 upright bass players in the world!


In his career, Darcy was a permanent member of many TV Orchestras including Tommy Tycho’s Channel 7 Orchestra, Geoff Harvey’s Channel 9 Orchestra, the Mike Walsh Show Orchestra, the ABC Radio Showband and Eric Jupp’s ABC TV Showband. Darcy has played for world class artists Tony Bennett, Vic Damone, Jack Jones, Mel Torme, John Hendricks, Wayne Newton, O. C. Smith, Nancy Wilson, Dinah Washington, Sarah Vaughan, Diahann Carroll, Dusty Springfield, Billy Eckstine, Billy Daniels, Cab Calloway and many more. Darcy also toured with Jose Feliciano, Cleo Laine and John Dankworth. He’s played with international jazz artists Scott Hamilton, Warren Vache, Red Holloway, John Surman, Laurindo Almeida, Carl Fontana and Australian jazz stars James Morrison, Don Burrows, George Golla, Dale Barlow, John Nicol, Bob Barnard, Ricky May and Julian Lee. Stage shows include Singin’ in the Rain, Mame, Chicago and numerous others. Darcy was a lecturer/teacher at the Conservatorium University of Adelaide and Edith Cowan University, Perth.


That’s a pretty impressive list and he still plays today.

Proves if you chose a job you love, you will never have to work a day in your life… Confucius


Then Grandma Jan, who loves dogs…

Chose this one…

The best therapist, has fur and four legs… Unknown

There’s a lot to be said about the love a dog gives you, no questions asked.

Just like Grandma.




Then Grandpa Peter sent this one…


Would you like to swing on a star?… Jimmy Van Heusen



He quantified it with…

‘I used to teach at a school where this was their school song”

He’s a storyteller grandpa and he loves a quote or two.

“It’s about being ambitious for higher things and wishing upon a star.”

I’ve been listening to this version of that song while I write this post…

Maybe 20 times now….


I think it’s perfect.

Just like grandpa.


I couldn’t decide between these…

Imagination is better than knowledge… Albert Einstein

Life is the most wonderful fairytale… Hans Christian Anderson

Kid, you’ll move mountains…Dr Seuss

Be so happy, that when others see you, they are happy too… unkown

Other things may change us, but we start and end with family… Anthony Brandt

The goal isn’t to live forever. The goal is to create something that will… Chuck Palahniuk

I finally decided on this one…

If you can dream it, you can do it… Walt Disney




The big guy had heaps too.

he decided on…

Be the type of person you want to meet….unknown




And I added in one for my cousin Tom…

(You may have noticed his name as part of my blog Tomfo. He’s the inspiration behind this blog, and doing what you love. It’s his anniversary on the 28th October, he will be forever young and inspirational in my eyes)

Live with love…


He definitely would have said something way cooler,


he had great wit,


awesome one liners…

courage and smiles.

One beautiful family…

and he loved dogs, especially Max.


He showed me how to,

Live with love.

Believe you can do anything.

Make every moment count…

And have a damn good time doing it with family and friends.



When our little guy asks me…

What are all these words and who are all these people on my wall?


I will tell him,

these are some of the people who have shaped your life,

there are many more and new ones to come.

I will tell him the stories and the things they taught me.

And I will tell him about my cousin Tom.

He was my favourite, (but don’t tell the others.)


He lived with love.




The artwork is being printed for my little boys bedroom makeover, as we speak,

and all these quotes are featured on it…

Here’s a sneak peek…

I’m super excited to show you once it’s done.



Stay tuned for part two of the bedroom makeover. This is just the story behind it.


If someone asked you for a kids inspirational quote what would you choose?


I’d love to hear your favourite quotes.


Live with Love,


PS: If you need to keep your family organised for 2015 don’t forget to check out my 2015 family organiser calendar in my shop it’s got 6 columns so you can keep track of everyone in the family and comes with 368 stickers.





Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE?


Linking up with With Some Grace and Life Love and Hiccups




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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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