Tomfo Yamba Scandi

3 super easy DIY party table decoration ideas

A few weeks ago

A friend of mine turned 40!


We had many meetings to discuss the party decorations.


I think that’s the best bit of a party…

The anticipation.



making things together with friends.


Over wine of course!


I thought I’d share 3 super easy decorations we made for this 4oth.


The party lasted for 40 days and nights…




How to make a DIY party table centrepiece


You will need:

Empty glass jars (various sizes work well)



Builders Sand



Tea light candles


Gather your supplies, then head over to a girlfriend’s house, a week or two before the party.

Wine is optional.

Remove any labels, (we did this prior to making the centrepieces)

Then start a production line.

One person, filled the jars with sand.

The other added shells and a tea light, using a skewer to move things around once everything was inside the jar.

The last person, tied some string around the top of the jars with a double knot. Then trimmed the ends.

We did this in about 2 hours.

Once we finished we used a few bread trays and we placed all our centrepieces into them ready for the party.

We had 7 tables and we made about 10 candle votives for each table.


Then we ate nibbles, and sipped more wine.

I told you it was all about the anticipation.

And spending time with great friends.

We had a great pre-party night!

And made the decorations to boot.



Different sized jars and even different colours work well together.


Then, we had to go to another pre party night,

with an open fire,

and hamburgers,

to meet the friends we didn’t know.

Such anticipation.

And so many nice friends.

It was like we’d met them all before.


We were set for the big evening.


you don’t need much,

when the party is at a place like this…


On the day of the party, we arrived and put table cloths on and placed the jars on each of the tables in small groups.

Then we had a sneaky wine,

of course,

just to test it before the party began.

And re-meet some of our recently met, party folk.

Did I tell you anticipation was the best bit?




We made a photo collage table too.

It’s super easy.

How to make a photo party table

You will need:

Photos, scan them or use them from your digital camera


A4 paper

2m of thick plastic


Arrange the photos onto A4 pages, using a computer program,
we made all the photos black and white.

Then print out each page onto photo copy paper.

Our table was 2m x 1m, so we used 40 x A4 pages to cover the table.

We used 4 x A4 blank pages in the middle so the cake could sit there.

Once we carefully placed the pages on the table, we covered them with thick plastic and we were done.

You might remember my 70 letters as a tablecloth, this was a new take on that idea.

Super easy and effective, it could be a great idea for any age party instead of a photo board.




The last idea is a guest photo book using all the images from the table cloth.

How to make a guest book

You will need:

A5 blank art book

A5 print outs of the photos used for the table cloth

Spray glue


Print out all the pages to A5 size and stick them inside the book.

Leave blank pages for people to write a message during the night.


Oh what a night!

The band played,

and we danced.

We had running jokes about the two new besties,

who was better,

who took top bridesmaid spot.

However, I concede defeat,
my other mate,
won that title when she made that cake.

It had meringue icing on it.



The party was a hit.

I know, because my feet hurt for weeks after.


And my friend continued to party for 40 days and nights,

with all her friends from far and wide.

She sure knows how to put on a good party!


I’m so glad a teacher told me to say hello to those two soccer mums about a year and a half ago.

I’ll be happy to make party decorations with you any time guys.

And celebrate birthdays

for days,

with wine of course!


Do you believe in partying for as many days as the year you are?

Ever make your own party decorations with friends? Over wine?



Happy weekend guys

Live with Love,



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Linking up with HIT, With Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.




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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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