Tomfo Yamba Scandi

5 Easy DIY Easter gifts/hats to make

TOMFO-DIY-Easter gifts


Easter is just around the corner.


I thought I’d do a recap of some of my Easter crafts from last year today.


DIY Easter Gifts using recycled Strawberry/Tomato Punnets.

A great way to re-use some old strawberry crates and make these Easter gift ideas.

You can read the full tutorial and download the free printable here.

Mum made these last year,

and put everyones favourite lolly inside them, she’s too gorgeous that chick.



Or try this easy Easter hat to make, it’s super easy.

 DIY easter hat with free printable, check out the tutorial and free download here.

(Obviously I’m biased about the handsome model.)



Why not grab some pringles cans and upcycle them into Easter gifts.

The best bit is you get to eat the pringles too!

DIY Easter Pringle Can Bunnies see the full tutorial and free printable here.





You could also try using some of your childrens artwork as wrapping paper for these versatile cans.




Need another hat option?

Here’s one the lovely Grace Lee made, check out her easy Easter Hat tutorial here.


Why not pin it for later?



Have a great weekend guys,



Live with Love,


Linking up with With Some Grace


PS: I’d love you to pop over and vote for my talented sister, Jane, she’s a finalist in  iVillage’s Food Blogger Idol.
Go girl!

If you have 2 mins, I’d love you to show her some love.

You can head here and vote for Jane Collins and check out her blueberry tarts they are made with panella sugar, it’s unprocessed so it’s supposed to be better for you.

I’m thinking we’ll be trying this recipe for our Easter picnic this year.




PPS: We are enjoying the beach here, and I’ve been doing some new designs inspired by our walks, I’ll be back soon with more info. Have a great weekend guys.x





9 responses to “5 Easy DIY Easter gifts/hats to make”

  1. I remember your Easter “punnets” from last year – so sweet. And I saw Pringles on sale today and didn’t get them – damn, maybe I should have!
    Malinda @mybrownpaperpackages recently posted…Friday Favourite Kelly ExeterMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh that’s cool, you remembered them, yep grab some next time, they make great holders for cookies and all sorts of things.

  2. I love those punnets. You have the best ideas! You look so like your sister and the beach walks look awesome! Happy weekend lovely xx

  3. Wow!!! These are some amazing ideas my kids are gonna love! And thank you so much for your generous printables. Can’t wait to explore more of your blog

  4. Those pringle bunnies are so cute and what a totally gorgeous idea. I shall go and vote for your sister now hun x

  5. Bele @ BlahBlah says:

    Oh, I missed this post. Two talented bloggers in the family that should be illegal x

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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