Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Free DIY beach party invitations – folded 3D triangles

I went for a walk on the beach…

and got inspired…

That’s not hard with a view like that.


It was the weathered wood that caught my eye and I snapped a few shots…
Last week I made these triangle  boxes that were so easy to make, I wanted to explore that more.

Here’s what evolved…

an easy DIY beach party invite you can make.



To make one invite you will need:

3 x 11cm squares of My Beach Party Invite template + printer or use your own patterned paper

Download the FREE 3D Triangle Beach party Invite here

2 x A4 copy paper


Glue dots or similar




Follow my pics above or head  here for a video tutorial on how to fold these. After searching for the easiest 3D Triangle or pyramid to make, I found this one was the easiest. (it’s in a different language but you can easily follow)

Cut out 3 squares (I made mine 11cm x 11cm)

Then fold as above, I used a few glue dots to secure my finished triangles.

Then cut a thin strip of paper and write your party details on it, (or print your own strips)

Fold the strips accordian style, (leaving your message visible at the end) and insert into one of the sides of the triangle.

A cool party invite for a teenager I think…

Or a wedding…


Every box was different…

Because of the wood texture.

I love the colour and texture of the wood, it reminds me of the beach,


…and summer


It’s on the way here, I can feel it.


The perfect excuse for  a beach party.


You could use so many other textures or themes to make these invites, they could be great party favours too.


I have a friends 40th coming up at a beach destination, these DIY beach party invites would be great for that, I best get organising…


Download the FREE 3D Triangle Beach party Invite here



Does the beach inspire you too?


Live with Love,





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Linking up with With Some Grace + Life Love and Hiccups





16 responses to “Free DIY beach party invitations – folded 3D triangles”

  1. Koren says:

    Oh my, so beautiful! Kind of reminds me of those little chatterbox folded paper games we used to make as kids. Love your beach photos, too. So much texture!
    Koren recently posted…4 hassle-free tips for healthy plant-based eating on the runMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Koren, yes how gorgeous is that wood? I love it! I love those paper games as kids too, cool memories before technology came to town.

  2. These are fantastic! Love the idea so much. Will definitely keep in mind for future parties / occasions. Printed invitations are so much more special than emails / facebook events!! Thank you.

  3. Sarah says:

    Wendy, thanks for dropping by… agree totally, it’s a treat to get something in the mail now days or delivered by hand. Thanks for your lovely comment x

  4. Sandra Kelly says:

    That’s so creative! 🙂

  5. What a creative mind you have – those photos are just spectacular Sarah! Great idea to have unusual invites..
    Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me recently posted…20 things parents are sick of saying to their kids!My Profile

  6. Wow I am in love !!! Your photos are amazing and those invitations so creative. Fabulous thank you for sharing
    Druimé @SnippetsandSpirits recently posted…Uluru Was My DestinyMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks, I just snapped them on my iPhone… the subject helps make them look amazing. Thanks for dropping by x

  7. Jacqui Odell says:

    These are so beautiful! They remind me of a thing I use to make when I was a teenager. Thank you for linking up to Party Time and we hope to see you again next week!

  8. You never stop amazing me with your creativity lovely. I am so drawn to driftwood and I love the idea of these as little gift holders for my next dinner party xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Weekend Rewind – Mummy Nearly Said The F WordMy Profile

  9. Indiakitty says:

    This is such a cute idea ! They are great fortune cookies !
    IndiaX x

  10. They are the coolest thing! You’re so talented x Thank you for contributing to The Sunday Brunch Magazine, So great to have you join us, kind regards Eliza & Bel x

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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