Tomfo Yamba Scandi

DIY Free Easter Labels

We always have so many of these clear crates for strawberries and tomatoes at our house, do you?

How about this cute recycling idea?

An easter egg holder using one of my label templates

Download the FREE DIY Easter Label for Strawberry Crates here

Here’s a quick tutorial on how to make them, it easy peasy… you’ll be recycling those plastic crates and your chocolates will go further too…

they’re a cute and inexpensive way to give a little gift this Easter.


You will need:

Mini eggs (2 packets made these 4 with some left over from Aldi) + 4 x “egg” sized eggs

Strawberry or tomato crates

Straw padding (I had some left over from fold a note into a t-shirt present)


Print out my Easter Label template

Glue stick

Sticky tape


Once you’ve finished with these punnets, give them a quick rinse, I made the labels to fit over the top of the existing stickers. ( you can remove them if you like, but they fit over both of these stickers)

Then fill each container with some straw, so you don’t need to add so many eggs. You could also use some shredded paper, cotton balls,  tissue paper or cellophane scrunched up. (I got this padding from Spotlight)


I colour cordinated my eggs so they looked pretty… goes well with the label too!


Download the template print and cut out your labels.


Use scissors to cut out and follow the lines.

Then add some glue on the large square or rectangle. I’ve made two sizes, one for the tomato punnets and one for the square strawberry punnets.


Stick the label on top of the punnet.


Turn over and fasten with some tape.


They look neat and are a great way to recycle those plastic crates. It’s amazing how a label makes a difference!


A perfect easter gift idea.


I love the colours… and it’s cheap too, a great way to make mini eggs go further than one gift!


We are getting excited about easter at our house, how can we not with all those eggs in the shops?…the little guy has already asked when that bunny will be coming, so we’ve marked it on our Tomfo calendar.

I’ve loved making something from those strawberry and tomato crates, do you recycle them at all?

I think they would be great as party favours too, we will be making sure we keep these precious punnets so we can recycle them into more fab things, we use so many of them.

Next time before you add them to the recycling, save a few so you can make up some of these little gifts for Easter.

Live with Love,


 Linking this post with Tip Junkie + All that is Beautiful + The Pin Junkie 

Download the FREE DIY Easter Label for Strawberry Crates here

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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