Tomfo Yamba Scandi

DIY Modern 5 minute flower arrangement

Need a quick flower arrangement?

Try this super simple, modern palm leaf flower arrangement.

You can make in 5 mins.



It’s super simple to make.

How to make a modern palm branch flower arrangement

Snip 2 or 3 palm leaves.

Use scissors to take the leaves off at the base. (see pics above)

Then fill a large vase with water and place in.



A modern flower arrangement in minutes.

And the good thing is they last for weeks.


It’s fitting today that my post is about palm branches.

They symbolise victory and peace.

They remind me of holidays,



and wonderful times with family and friends.


I’d like to think that they also represent,

connecting with heaven.


I couldn’t help but make a special print of them for my Yamba Scandi Collection  today.

Inspired by my uncle Pat.



Meet… Pat’s Palm.



This one’s called… The Trio.


See how they weave into each other,

And make such simple and beautiful shapes.

They can’t help but capture your attention with beautiful simplicity.

For me, they symbolise pure love.


So, next time you need a bit of love in your home,

Why not try this easy 5 min palm branch flower arrangement?


It might even remind you of all the beautiful angels
that you have watching over you. xxx





Live with Love,



PS: Did you see what the “Power of one” did this week?

I’m very glad to be a small part of Chloe’s stand for dairy farmers in Australia.

{Thanks to so many of you joining me too.}


If you haven’t signed the petition you can do so here.

When you do, you’ll receive updates

and they’ll make you feel like you’re part of something bigger.


And that the power of one…

is amazing.





Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE or new shop pieces?


Linking up with HITWith Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.





13 responses to “DIY Modern 5 minute flower arrangement”

  1. merilyn says:

    always lovely thankyou sarah!
    I love palms! so sculptural!
    love m:)X

  2. Sandra Kelly says:

    Oh this is just gorgeous. Lovely palms!

    I’ve signed Chloe’s petition. I live in a dairy farming area and spent my childhood on dairy farms. I fear that one day there will be very little of our farming land left and that really concerns me. We need more Chole’s in this world. She should be proud of her efforts – amazing young girl. Xx
    Sandra Kelly recently posted…I’m Back… with no cancer in tow!My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      I so believe in the power of one, x whether it be milk or love, it holds so such beautiful, amazing power.

  3. That’s a great idea, especially when it lasts a few weeks. Those prints are gorgeous too, so talented!
    Tash @ Home of Marble and Mint recently posted…My Favourite Property WomenMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Tash, such an easy thing to do and even easier to create something gorgeous from someone so beautiful.

  4. Chris says:

    Beautiful, love it. The form and line of palms – so simple yet intricate. Creating memories! A beautiful tribute, God Bless Uncle Pat.

  5. Love that print (and what it means to you) and that flower arrangement too! Super stylish!
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #69My Profile

  6. LOVE! I’m looking forward to moving to Sydney where things actually grow and this looks amazing!
    Shari from GoodFoodWeek recently posted…Recipe: ChimichurriMy Profile

  7. Grace says:

    What a beautiful print! I love the idea of a simple flower arrangement too!
    Grace recently posted…FYBF – Fa-Fa-Fa-Fa-FashunMy Profile

  8. I hadn’t thought of putting palm branches into a vase, but it looks fantastic! Great idea. xx
    Nicole @ The Builders Wife recently posted…Reading Your Quote – What is a PC?My Profile

  9. Bec Senyard says:

    Love this. It’s so simple yet looks so good! I often forget that branches of leaves can look great in a vase. x
    Bec Senyard recently posted…What Went Through my Mind When I got GastroMy Profile

  10. […] Sarah (aka Lisa) from TOMFO shared a simple 5 minute DIY flower arrangement using palm […]

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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