Tomfo Yamba Scandi

DIY Scandinavian Style Christmas Star



Looking for a quick Scandinavian style Christmas Decoration?

You can make this DIY Christmas star yourself.

In 5 mins.



This one’s made of firewood, string and lights.


Happy Tree Trimming everyone.



DIY Scandi style Christmas star

6 sticks approx same length (I spied these at at friends house that were to be used for firewood and grabbed a few, thank you lovely x)


Christmas Lights


Lay out your sticks to form a star,

I actually drew a star, so I could see it in my mind.

Grab some string,

overlap the points, then tie the ends together.

You can move to your desired shape once all the points are tied.

Place on a shelf or lean against a wall, then drape the lights over your star.

(I used a battery pack set.)

Voila, a Scandinavian Style Christmas Star, you made yourself!


{Even more so, when it comes from a friends firewood stash.}



That’s really what we’re doing.

Isn’t it?

Making memories.

Of the people in our lives.

Don’t you think?


We’re all set to go for our “Tree Trimming, Christmas Pre Run”.

(We’ll be testing some maple syrup pumpkin, peach salad and glazed ham, and of course egg nog, I can’t wait to try it!)

It’s about this time of year, I think…

“Why don’t we have ham like this all year long?”



Our tree will be in the corner where my Cross Print is.

I’m sure I’ll be posting on Instagram so you can have a squiz.


I love pulling out the decorations ready to hang.

There’s homemade, dipped baubles, I made on our new lawn last year, filled with a single white feather.

Some are filled with seashells from our old beach.

All inspired by a shopping trip that mum and I went on a few years ago.

And a couple of “specials” mum made too.

{Very precious.}

There’s a few other priceless decorations from one of my favourite Aunties, that remind me of Tom.


Don’t you love the memories that you find in Christmas decorations?




Our white clay ornaments the little guy and I made,

are still going strong,

we made them when a special friend was coming early to put the Christmas tree up with us a few years back.

We can’t wait to do it again with her this year. x


This year,

we’ve added a few more Christmas lights.

A candle in a wine bottle.

(That another friend suggested we make, it’s super simple to do)

You should give it a try too.




We also started our countdown to christmas today.

This super sized version is inspired by the lovely V at Created by V.

We’ve super sized our Santa Countdown Calendar to A2 size and we’re filling it with two cotton balls a day.

(I couldn’t find the jumbo kind here in Oz, V used.)

Thanks for the great new “super sized”  take on our Countdown calendar V, I love it!


The lovely Jessica,

used my Scandinavian Christmas Advent Calendar

and I think she styled it like a boss!

Thanks for sharing Jessica. x





That’s what I love about Christmas.

The inspiration,

that others give you,

and sharing memories,

it’s why I write this blog…


You. Guys. Inspire. Me.


I love seeing and hearing your ideas,

and the creations and experiences you make for your own homes where friends and family gather.

Thank you. x








Ever saved a few sticks from becoming firewood to make a Scandinavian Christmas star?

Do you love the memories you find when you decorate your Christmas tree?

What’s some of yours?

Oh, and do you put Christmas treats inside bowls like your grandma did?

{There’s chocolate santa’s inside that concrete bowl beneath the star, I love it when the kids find them, young or old}


Happy weekend guys,

Live with love,







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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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