Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Do all the little things – free printable



Today, I’m sharing a free printable.

Do all the little things.

It’s a reminder to myself,

to do just that.

{Sometimes, they can turn out to be the big things that make your day.}



This week,

I did a little thing,

Moved some work times around and made it to my little guys assembly, because he was receiving an award.

It was a juggle,

but, not that hard really.

The principal knew I had to make it to work, so at the beginning of the assembly,

she said…

“We have a mum who has moved mountains to be here today, so we are doing an emergency award first, so she can make it to work.”

I sunk in my seat,

put my hand up and said…

“That’s me…Thank you, everyone!’

Everyone looked.

Then they handed out the award, and I stole a kiss and a moment with the little guy.


I was happy all day,

that I did that little thing.

…And now I love our new school, even more.


I thought you might like this printable, to remind you that sometimes the little things can become big things.


And, on the flip side,

I FORGOT to do a little thing…

Like, buy that extra pair of school shorts and had to blow dry and iron them dry the other morning.

That, could have been a catastrophe!

But, thanks to the blow dryer, no one knew the difference.

(FYI: The blow dryer worked better than the iron,

and I’m glad it was only summer shorts.)


Have you ever had to blow dry pants for school?

Do you move mountains to do the little things?

(I’m sure you do everyday)


You can download the free printable, Do all the little things here


Every time I think, I have too many things to do… (which is quite often)

I’ll have to take a look at this print to remind me,

juggling a trillion things to do the little things…

can really turn out to be the big things that matter.



Have a great Easter guys, enjoy all the little things.



Live with Love,


Linking up with With Some Grace


PS: We are waiting on our first visitors to Yamba, so exciting to have a few people visiting, we might have to break out the vodka to celebrate. (like soon)

On the new house front, we are waiting for our final bank approval, fingers crossed, then we will be off to council with plans.




11 responses to “Do all the little things – free printable”

  1. Such eggcitement; awards, visitors and big plans. Sometimes I think it’s the little things and the little moments that are really big things. It’s so important to not just do the little things, but to enjoy them too! Hope your weekend is eggstra special and that everybunny has an eggcellent time! See you on the other side!

  2. Chris says:

    What a great reminder, it’s’ good to be reminded. Thank you. Have a great Yamba Easter and enjoy your first visitors. Wow to the little Guy a reward already, very exciting well done. Love and blessings to you all. Xo

  3. Sandra Kelly says:

    This is a lovely story and a wonderful reminder. Love the printable. Have a memorable Easter enjoying all the little things that may come your way. 🙂 Xx

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Sandra, we really did. it was great, 2 sets of visitors and just enjoyed all the little things, I hope you had a great one too. x Thanks for the shoutout on your blog too, you are just gorgeous.

  4. […] Sarah at Tomfo has a lovely free printable to share reminding us to do all the little things in life. […]

  5. Bele @ BlahBlah says:

    How gorgeous of you and the principal and well done to the little guy for getting an award! It sounds like a wonderful school. Fingers crossed for the plans x

  6. Carmia says:

    Great print! I love the lettering. Found you on Hit me with your best shot link party 🙂

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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