Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Have you heard of printfinity business cards online?

They’re fancy pants business cards printed online from Moo

Using a print method called printfinity…

(You can print as many different backs as you like in a print run)…


I love it…


It’s like a box of chocolates…


You never know which one you’re going to get.


I’ve been designing some quote prints…

That will soon be are now in my shop.


And I’ve put them on my business cards to help promote what I do.


I’m off to the Gold Coast in 2 weeks to holiday  learn at ProBlogger…

to soak up all the tips and inspiration I can…


hopefully meet some life long friends.

(Plus, I want to see if anyone else loses a shoe this year)


I thought they’d be a good talking point, when I’m meeting new people.





I just need to not be shy…

and hand these bad boys out…



My name is Lisa Wright, and I blog as Sarah Preston…

You can read my story of why I blog under a pseudonym here

It’s a tribute to my family… and one of my favourites… Tom who inspired me to live with love.




My dream is to design and create a little space on the internet, doing what I love…

Thinking up cool stuff for my shop and making easy DIY ideas that anyone can do to make a house a home or celebrate life as a party every day.


I hope you’ll come with me on my journey…

I been a graphic designer for over 25 years… Tomfo is my newest passion.




They’ll be plenty of DIY ideas for parties and gatherings…

…easy recipes (that my boys can make), our own family online recipe book.

…designer cushions and prints to make a house a home (I love to custom design too)

Party printables… because I love organising a party,


and coming soon…

it’s being printed as we speak…

my 2015 Family Organiser (Tomfo – Tomorrow’s Family Organiser)

(I’ve been publishing these since 2002, you can check out last years edition here)




If you need a snazzy business card head to Moo

(there’s still time before the Goldy to print business cards (mine were rounded corner, matt finish)… they have a rush print service and they’re like.. super speedy!

Oh… they have fabulous templates you can add your details on, so you don’t need a designer to make them either. You can do it yourself!

If you have any questions, I’d be happy to help though, just drop me a line.


(This is not a sponsored post, but, perhaps I so should get in touch with them to become an ambassador!)


What’s your favourite quote?

I’l love to hear.

Come and say hello at ProBlogger … I’d love to swap cards and get inspired with you.






Live with Love,









Care to stay in the loop? I’d love to have you!

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Linking up with With Some Grace + Life Love and Hiccups

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18 responses to “Have you heard of printfinity business cards online?”

  1. It’s my first time here. Love the cards! Sadly not going to problogger this year. Hope you enjoy it, its’ awesome fun!
    stephanie@stephsjoy recently posted…Influence someone elseMy Profile

  2. Hey Lisa, I adore these cards. I think me needs some. I wish I could swap one with you at Pro Blogger. Alas, I was too slow off the mark and missed out on a ticket so I was watch with envy as you all post about it!

    I’ve just discovered your space and I look forward to following along 🙂
    Vicki @ Knocked Up and Abroad recently posted…A Winter of MotheringMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Vicki, I’m off to have a quiz at your site now, lovely to meet you, maybe next year at PB we can meet in person.

  3. They’re gorgeous!
    I need to update my cards and I want something funky like this. I don’t want dull cards that put me in a boring place – thanks for the tip off. I will be sure to check out their website this weekend.
    Have fun at ProBlogger. I was going originally but sold my ticket in the end. Maybe next year?
    Jody at Six Little Hearts recently posted…Tips For Flying With a Baby or ToddlerMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Jody, yes, these are the best cards and very reasonable for the quality. I use them for all my corporate clients. You’ll love the site, it’s easy to use too. Thanks, I’ll be sure to have a ball, I’m child and husband free, my own mini break!

  4. They look totally awesome. I am in the middle of designing a blog makeover so did not want to invest big money on cards that will be null and void shortly, but could not go to Problogger without any so used good old Vista print and got 500 for $26.95. Perfect solution for now, but I want card that look like yours when I get to that next step. xx N
    Nikki @ Wonderfully Women recently posted…Healthy Hot ChippiesMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh, I look forward to meeting you at ProBlogger Nikki. Definaltely have a look at these guys the price is very competitive! See you on the Goldy x

  5. Dear Sarah/Lisa,
    I very much look forward to making your acquaintance on the Gold Coast.
    Save one of those snazzy cards for me!
    Amanda @ Cooker and a Looker recently posted…five snagadelic sausage recipesMy Profile

  6. Wow Those cards are Awesome!
    I’m to much of a newb on the seen to be heading to pro logger. But I would have loved to be on the receiving end of one of these flashy cards!
    Have a great time!
    Kim 🙂
    Kim @ Land of Zonkt recently posted…Fab Four Friday: 15th August 2014My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh thanks Kim and I don’t think you are at all, your blog is gorgeous. If you have a dream, just do it I say, look forward to following you online. x

  7. Oooh, those are some pretty cards! Love all the quotes too but if pushed I would always go for Winnie the Pooh.

    I also LOVE a good family organiser – with five of us in my house, things can get very chaotic. I don’t know where we’d be without ours. Love your design though – would love to get one for next year.

    I’ll be at PB trying to seek you out so I can get my hands on one of those gorgeous cards. 🙂
    Carolyn @ Champagne Cartel recently posted…Friday fizz: bubbles of awesome from the webMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Carolyn, lovely to meet you, I’ll be keen to meet you too, thank you for such lovely comments. What champagne shall we toast to at PB? Now that sounds like a plan. x

  8. Dang you just reminded me I need to get some cards organised too! I look forward to meeting you at Problogger hun – I will be the shy one too xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Kid’s Bedrooms – Rooms Both of You Will LoveMy Profile

  9. Maxabella says:

    It’s SO lovely to meet you, Sarah / Lisa. I must say, I never considered the whole business card thing, but you are quite right – I need to get some for problogger or risk being a major loser. x
    Maxabella recently posted…Weekend Rewind ILIX: A breath of creative airMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh lovely to have you here, I’m looking forward to meeting you at PB. You could never be a loser, far to gorgeous, a big fan of your blog x

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

Santa's beard calendar | Christmas countdown calendar | Tomfo | Christmas calendar | Advent calendar


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