Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to light and style a narrow hallway



We’ve got a narrow hallway.

It’s a fact.


But, who says you can’t make it a feature with lights and words?

then no one will even notice it’s narrow,

…they’ll be too busy looking at the lights and words.


So, we wrote on the walls.


With vinyl lettering.



added some Channel Led Strip Lighting.

To give it some wow factor.



We had the best electrician,

When I showed him this picture I found, of designer lighting in a hallway on my Pinterest travels,

he didn’t say no,


he was open to recreating this look for our home.

I love that, thanks Michael. You rock!


Channel strip lighting for hallways

We used:

Deep winged square aluminium profile led strips in;

4 x 50cm lengths

4 x 1m lengths

and 1 x 2m length
Spaced out alternatively along the hallway.

Once installed, our electrician even he said,

“I’m quietly jealous!”

Although a note: we did add sound proofing batts to one of the walls which made it hard to install the channels, so don’t add any batts in these areas if you want an easy installation.



It looks even more funky in the night time.



You might remember my Do what you love free printable.


I always wanted to put these words in our hallway inspired by my Uncle Frank and all our angels.

So we did.

We wrote on a perfectly good wall,

and I love it.





DIY Vinyl Lettering

Vinyl lettering

Washi Tape

Tape measure


Soft Spatula/Squeegie


I used Vinyl Lettering Direct

{Easy online ordering and you can custom design yourself, super fast at delivery and easy to install, it comes pre spaced, in one piece. I can’t recommend highly enough.}


Firstly grab a line of words that make you smile,


Measure the length you want your words to be.


Use their online ordering system, {you can choose the font, colour and length you require}

To apply: I measured the height I wanted the lettering to sit and made pencil marks.

Then use washi tape to stick to the wall.

Once you are happy with the placement,

simply peel the backing paper off, then use the spatula to press the vinyl letters on firmly.

Finally, carefully remove the top clear strip and you’re done.


See their easy video to explain further.

I’m super stoked with these guys at Vinyl Lettering Direct

I have a few more projects that will be using their vinyl lettering.


I’ve carried this Queen of Hearts Clear Vase with me, for nearly a year,

finally it’s got a home.

Flowers always make everything so much prettier.


I love reading these words as you walk out the door everyday.


the comments when people walk in.


telling them the story behind the words.

{I’m thinking some holly and berries in the vase for Christmas would look fab too!}





Oh, and I promised to show you the other side of my office.


It’s the smallest room in the house,

but it packs a punch with this queen wall bed from the guys at Eureka Street Furniture.


Perfect for visitors.


I love hidden stuff.


rooms that do two things.


No more blowing up air beds late at night.



We are slowly adding all my Yamba Scandi Collection to our house to make it a home.

{It’s a work in progress.}


I think the entrance sets the mood for your house,

and that,

even narrow hallways can be styled and lit
so they encourage people to come inside,

and then you can start telling them your own story.

{maybe even over a cup of sugar or two}


Do you think what we live with says something about us?






Happy weekend guys,


Live with Love,





Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE?


I’m linking up with Home Improvement ThursdayWith Some Grace, The Weekend Rewind and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.


PS: Need to get organised for 2016? The 2016 Family organiser features a 6 column grid so you can keep track of everyones busy schedule, I don’t mean to alarm you but stock is limited and selling fast, click on this link below to order yours for the year ahead.



PPS: Are you ready for Christmas?

Do the kids love to countdown the days? {Mine does.}

Download this free Santa Christmas countdown calendar to start counting down the days till Christmas with the kids.

Print it out, then add a cotton wool ball every day until you make Santa’s beard and the next morning he will be arriving.
It’s a great way to get excited with the kids and there’s no chocolate involved.









18 responses to “How to light and style a narrow hallway”

  1. That looks so good! I bet you couldn’t help but smile every time you walk in and out of your house. And those floors look soooo good! Xx
    Shannon@ my2morrows recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #45: Grand Festive GiveawayMy Profile

  2. You are so clever! I love the lights and I especially love the letters and the words that they spell out – words to live by indeed! That bed is genius and is your office looks super smart – I bet all kinds of amazing things happen there! Have an ace weekend xx
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #45 and The Grand Festive GiveawayMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks lovely, the words are the coolest and so easy to apply. We have visitors coming soon to test out the bed, can’t wait!
      You are too kind, I’m loving the new space, but I can’t wait to sort the garage out, it’s going to be my new studio!

  3. I love the idea of the strip lighting. That would be perfect for a narrow little corridor we have in our house too. Hope you have a gorgeous weekend hun and the heat is not walloping you too hard up there xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Barely Intelligible NothingnessMy Profile

  4. This is a brilliant lighting idea! I have never seen it before and looks awesome.
    Karin @ Calm to Conniption recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #45: Grand Festive Giveaway!My Profile

  5. Oh I love what you’ve done with the hallway! Very clever. The lighting is fabulous, I’ve not seen that before. xx
    Nicole @ The Builder’s Wife recently posted…My Favourite Space – The Christmas Shopping AdditionMy Profile

  6. Rachael says:

    Wow, love your hallway! The lighting is so v chic and clever.. Also think it’s lovely that you’re getting straight into making your home – your kind of home. Admire your drive Rxx
    Rachael recently posted…Bringing the Outdoors InMy Profile

  7. LOVING this hallway. Loved your office and now I’m all over this hallway. Nice job.
    Melissa {Suger} recently posted…Work Style Outfit: Stripe on StripeMy Profile

  8. Grace says:

    Oh, I love your home, Sara!! We have a narrow hallway too and definitely need to figure out how to optimise the lighting in there. I love the idea of Vinyl lettering. How lovely to meet an electrician who was happy to go with your creative flow!

  9. […] what a gorgeous space it is! Speaking of gorgeous, Sarah from TOMFO shared her new hallway and how she decorated her […]

  10. Bele @ BlahBlah says:

    Gorgeous! So, so gorgeous. I love all your ideas, lovely lady.
    I hope you and yours have the most wonderful Christmas and NY.
    Bele x

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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