Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make a creative Instagram account

Fancy some wow factor on your instagram account?

I did.

So I made a 12 shot series today.


I love Instagram.

And getting creative with your account.

Especially if you are creating a brand.

Like me.


Here’s a way to show


I used this DIY 12 shot series to showcase my new Yamba Scandi Collection that’s now available in my shop



You can head to my insta account to see it here.

Or check it out below.




Here’s another option I nearly went with.

{That pendant light…makes me smile every night}



Fancy knowing how I did it,

So you can make one too?


How to make a creative instagram account:



I decided on a 12 shot series.

Then made a template in Indesign.


I laid my pictures over this template.

Using this breakdown,

4 squares, 2 vertical squares, 1 single, 2 horizontal squares and one pic across 3 squares.




Then I cropped them into 12 separate squares.

And made 12 single jpgs in photoshop.



I checked to see what each pic would look like as a stand alone image,

to make sure I was happy when they were posted individually.



Before I posted…

I also checked to see what would happen when my images were moved around, here’s a sample below.

As they stand alone quite well, it doesn’t matter if they don’t all join up,

and some of mine even make up a group image in a different position.





I saved my images in order of posting, starting from the bottom first (see below).



Then I posted each shot on instagram. Using the hashtag #thebiggerpicture

Next time, I’ll post over a few days,

{sorry if you were following me today and got a mass of images.}


Head here to see my new creative instagram account.

{I’d love you to follow along, that would make my day}


I just had a thought…

Do you have a brand that needs some creative design on Instagram,

maybe I can help?

Contact me sarahpreston{@}

I’d love to work with you designing a creative instagram account for you.


What do you think?

Would you try a 12 shot series on your instagram account?

I think this would work well on personal accounts too if you are into that creative look.



I hope these tips help, if you do try this creative instagram account idea,

tag me on Instagram @tomfoapp or email me sarahpreston{@}, I’d love to see your designs.

The possibilities are endless.



Have a great weekend guys.





Live with Love,





Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE or the new shop launch?


Linking up with HITWith Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.









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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

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