Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make a creative Instagram account

Fancy some wow factor on your instagram account?

I did.

So I made a 12 shot series today.


I love Instagram.

And getting creative with your account.

Especially if you are creating a brand.

Like me.


Here’s a way to show


I used this DIY 12 shot series to showcase my new Yamba Scandi Collection that’s now available in my shop



You can head to my insta account to see it here.

Or check it out below.




Here’s another option I nearly went with.

{That pendant light…makes me smile every night}



Fancy knowing how I did it,

So you can make one too?


How to make a creative instagram account:



I decided on a 12 shot series.

Then made a template in Indesign.


I laid my pictures over this template.

Using this breakdown,

4 squares, 2 vertical squares, 1 single, 2 horizontal squares and one pic across 3 squares.




Then I cropped them into 12 separate squares.

And made 12 single jpgs in photoshop.



I checked to see what each pic would look like as a stand alone image,

to make sure I was happy when they were posted individually.



Before I posted…

I also checked to see what would happen when my images were moved around, here’s a sample below.

As they stand alone quite well, it doesn’t matter if they don’t all join up,

and some of mine even make up a group image in a different position.





I saved my images in order of posting, starting from the bottom first (see below).



Then I posted each shot on instagram. Using the hashtag #thebiggerpicture

Next time, I’ll post over a few days,

{sorry if you were following me today and got a mass of images.}


Head here to see my new creative instagram account.

{I’d love you to follow along, that would make my day}


I just had a thought…

Do you have a brand that needs some creative design on Instagram,

maybe I can help?

Contact me sarahpreston{@}

I’d love to work with you designing a creative instagram account for you.


What do you think?

Would you try a 12 shot series on your instagram account?

I think this would work well on personal accounts too if you are into that creative look.



I hope these tips help, if you do try this creative instagram account idea,

tag me on Instagram @tomfoapp or email me sarahpreston{@}, I’d love to see your designs.

The possibilities are endless.



Have a great weekend guys.





Live with Love,





Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE or the new shop launch?


Linking up with HITWith Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.









30 responses to “How to make a creative Instagram account”

  1. So tricky! I would love to try it, I wasn’t sure how brands were achieving this look…now I know! Hope you have a great weekend xx
    Ashlea | Glamour Coastal Living | recently posted…Feature Friday:At home with Chyka KeebaughMy Profile

  2. Deborah says:

    Oh, I have to admit I’m really random with Instagram… it’s less about how it looks than documenting stuff for me I think.

    I’m often impressed by those people who coordinate their shots with words alternating with pics etc…
    Deborah recently posted…Things I don’t get about plus-sized clothingMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      It’s definately not for everyone, I agree. But I do love making it look pretty and standing out from the crowd.
      It’s a great place to document all your memories and moments, whether you do it randomly or you get creative with it. Happy weekend Deb x

  3. I’ve always wondered how you do this! Looks quite striking when I see these on my feed. Thanks for the tutorial! #FYBF
    Di from Max The Unicorn recently posted…April Favourites!My Profile

  4. This is amazing! I have always wanted to know how people do this! Thanks for sharing Sarah. Off to check out InDesgin… 🙂 I know a few bloggers who do this and it looks amazing – especially with food.

    • Sarah says:

      A pleasure Charlene. I’m sure there are other ways to do this too, but I use indesign and photoshop all day, so it’s the fastest way for me.

  5. Bec Senyard says:

    YES! I need help with my Instagram account. This just blows me away. How freaking awesome is this!!!
    Bec Senyard recently posted…If You Want to Get Rich, Become a Plumber. Apparently.My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      I think it rocks! It is a bit of work, but i just love it. I’m sure there are other ways to do this, this was just my way today. Happy weekend lovely x

  6. Lisa says:

    Very clever, I have seen this around a lot lately (On instagram)

  7. I have always wanted to know how to do this; thanks for sharing the tips. Really beautiful

    • Sarah says:

      A pleasure, if you decide to give it a try, tag me on Insta @tomfoapp or let me know by email, sarahpreston(@) I’d love to see what you create. Happy weekend.

  8. You are SO clever! I’ve always wondered how people do this and now I know! I’m not sure if I have the skillz to make it look nearly as good as yours! Happy weekend x
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #67My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you lovely, I think you underestimate yourself, I reckon you might just surprise yourself. Happy packing and have a great weekend x

  9. That looks brilliant! So clever! And I love that the individual shots looks good by themselves.
    Kirralee @ Escape With Kids recently posted…Dubbo  | Get back to nature on this weekend away from SydneyMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      I think that is key in the process, ensuring the pics work well on their own. If you are interested in trying start with one pic cut in half over 2 squares. Have a lovely weekend.

  10. Julie says:

    That is seriously spectacular!! I’m not sure I have the patience to do something like this, my instagram account is a bit random, kind of like my life!! But wow – yours is amazing
    Julie recently posted…Meerkats – Up Close and PersonalMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you Julie. It does take a bit of time to do, I’m a graphic designer by trade so I’m into that kind of stuff and it’s a great way to build a brand if you have a shop like me. Have a great weekend.

  11. It looks GREAT! I’m obsessed with Instagram at the moment. Sometimes I’m in love with my profile and sometimes I get frustrated that I can’t make it as beautiful as I want it to be and still offer coverage on my personal style and life. THIS is very cool. Thanks for sharing!
    Melissa {Suger} recently posted…All the newness for winterMy Profile

  12. Wow. This looks so good! Perfect for showcasing your creativity! Xx

  13. You so tricky! I have seen these around on Insta. Thanks for breaking it down for me.
    Karin @ Calm to Conniption recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #67: Sizzle The SausageMy Profile

  14. Grace says:

    Dang, hats of to your creativity!!! I’m a huge IG fan too! I’ve seen celebrities do 12 shot series and always wanted to know how it was done.
    Grace recently posted…FYBF – Questions for BenMy Profile

  15. This is such great advice Sarah! Now I just need to get creative!
    Kit@lifethroughthehaze recently posted…Taming the TigerMy Profile

  16. You are just so very clever! Yet another inspiring idea. will have to try this one myself. xx
    Nicole @ The Builder’s Wife recently posted…Pen Y Llechwedd – Not Quite As We Know ItMy Profile

  17. I have always wondered how this was done. Clever girl – thanks for sharing xx
    sonia stackhouse recently posted…Winter Style Crush & Some Passion PinningMy Profile

  18. […] Sarah from TOMFO share her helpful tips on making a creative Instagram account. […]

  19. merilyn says:

    it all looks fantastic sarah!
    I love your eye for design and placement!
    you are the teacher! go girl!
    love m:)X

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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