Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make a paper light shade

I love a light or two…

Our house has so many down lights,

it’s like we have a runway on the ceiling.

But it’s missing some softness…

When I saw this awesome paper light shade  here by Gabrielle Guy I knew I had to try making this.

It’s super easy and I just love it was made with a dollar shop light shade, some scraps of paper and mod podge.

The big guy calls it the shaggy dog…

Me…I love the way the light reflects and even goes slightly pink… I think it’s arty.


And softens the room…


And I also love how it looks when the light is turned off.


How to make a triangle paper light shade


You will need:

I x 30cm round paper light shade

Mod podge

Paint brush


White reflex paper (approx 100 sheets)


1.Trim the paper in long triangles. I cut the triangles on the landscape side and made them approx 5cm at the widest point. I wasn’t exact at all, just snipped roughly the same shape.

2. Start at the bottom of the shade and using a paintbrush, apply mod podge, then attach the strips.

3. Continue around in a circular fashion, until you cover the entire shape. NB: I used the ribs on my shade as a guide, ie: I attached a new circle layer on every new rib in the shade.

4. Then attach to the pendant light and hang.


I couldn’t resist I had to hang it next to one of my prints… party like it’s your birthday everyday… available in the shop here


I can’t wait to see what the little guy says when he gets home…


But… if his Dad gets to him before I do… It will be a shaggy dog too.


I’m also quietly busting to see what patterns it makes in the evening…


Yep… I’m in love with this paper light shade…


Here are a few pics at night… it looks even better in real life




Full credit to Gabrielle Guy for a fabulous idea, I loved making this paper light shade…

Easy and affordable, a really do-able idea you can make for the home.


Would you make your own light shade?



Have a great weekend guys




Live with Love,


PS: Exciting news….The popular 2015 Family Organiser Calendar has arrived… Flowers are the theme for 2015… it’s got a cracker 6 column grid to keep track of your family’s busy schedule at-a-glance and has 368 stickers to mark birthdays, holidays, bin nights etc to name a few. Head here to check it out, stocks are limited so don’t miss out.






Linking with Life Love Hiccups and With Some Grace






13 responses to “How to make a paper light shade”

  1. Haha, I love your “shaggy dog” – when I saw the photo I didn’t realise it was going to be such an easy DIY! It looks so great
    Sheridan Anne recently posted…School Holiday Fun with LeapFrogMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Sheridan… it was so easy, I think the kids could even do this on the school holidays. I’m in love with the new light… it looks so much better in real life too.

  2. Heidi says:

    THis is so brilliant!

  3. Maxabella says:

    With a couple of modifications, I can see this coming together for Arabella’s upcoming “Island” birthday party. x
    Maxabella recently posted…Musical nails | A super-fun, super-girly party gameMy Profile

  4. You know what – you should totally sell this as a DIY Kit. No really! xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Going Troppo – Tropical Inspired Homewares To Tempt YouMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Sonia… you always have such good ideas… it would be pretty cool, but they are so easy, I think you could just do it yourself…

  5. I agree with Sonia. I have the Icarus light shades I was given when I worked in mags and they’re quite exy, but yours is much better. I’ve already told you how much I LOVE this. It is absolutely stunning. You’ve inspired me to trundle on with my little lampshade project x
    Bele @ BlahBlah recently posted…The Little ThingsMy Profile

  6. Sarah says:

    Thanks lovely lady… I’m so impressed with it myself, I can’t stop turning on the lights and saying… “Have you seen the new lights guys?”… I’d love to see your lampshade project… you can never have too many lights I say.

  7. Eliza says:

    That looks stunning – love the architectural texture!

    Thanks for contributing to The Sunday Brunch Magazine!

    All the best,

    Eliza & Bel.

    • Sarah says:

      And it really is so easy, I still love this and my husband, even turns it on at night when guests come over, you know he quietly loves it too. Pleasure, joining you guys. x

  8. […] DIY paper pendant looks as if it would pack a therapeutic punch as oodles of cutting therapy […]

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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