Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make an Espresso Martini



So, I went away on a girls mini break last weekend (so much fun) and we had these…

Espresso Martinis.

I’m not a coffee drinker.

But maybe I’ve turned.

OMG, just yum!

I googled the recipe and found this one from the fabulous Jamie Oliver.

Then set about recreating them myself.




How to make an Espresso Martini

You will need:

50ml Vodka

35 ml Kahlua

1 shot (25ml) Espresso (I used Botero, a fabulous coffee made locally at Maclean)

Splash of sugar syrup (optional)


How to make:

In a cocktail shaker, pour in the vodka, kahlua, coffee shot and ice (and sugar syrup if using).

Add some extra ice into each glass to chill while you are mixing.



Shake like crazy to get a good froth.
Remove the ice from the glasses, then pour into martini glasses.

Top with coffee beans and serve.

Enjoy in moderation, (they are quite strong).




Are you a coffee drinker?

Would you turn for an Espresso Martini like I did?

Do you ever try to recreate a fabulous drink you’ve tried on holidays?


Have a great weekend guys,


Live with Love,



Linking up with With Some Grace,  Create Bake Make, Life Love and Hiccups.


PS News on our house progress… the slab has been poured and the frames have arrived ready for installation, hopefully we will see some exciting things in the coming weeks as it starts to grow up from the ground.




27 responses to “How to make an Espresso Martini”

  1. Hehehe I really want to try an espresso martini but I’m worried that because I don’t drink coffee I’m going to have a massive caffeine buzz all night! Still I think I’ll have to have a go making your recipe! Thanks for linking up with our Fabulous Foodie Fridays party! xx
    Lucy @ Bake Play Smile recently posted…Fabulous Foodie Fridays #57My Profile

  2. Gosh this looks good, I could really go one of these right now! So glad to hear the house is progressing – fun times!
    Lauren @ Create Bake Make recently posted…Fabulous Foodie Fridays #57My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      They are super easy to make with maximum looks I think. We’re so excited about the house, just need to be patient and watch it happen. Have a lovely weekend. x

  3. If I wasn’t about to crawl into bed with a box of tissues and panadol I’d have one of these – looks delicious. Might have to keep it in mind for a rowdier night when I’ll be staying up.
    Malinda @mybrownpaperpackages recently posted…Thai Chicken BallsMy Profile

  4. I’ve never had one before but this has me running for the coffee and vodka!! Yummm. Jx

    • Sarah says:

      My first introduction was last weekend, I love trying new things, especially if they involve a few friends and a snazzy cocktail.

  5. Oh I’ll take one please.. with another two on the side. I love martinis straight up and dirty but these…. Oh my I love to a whole new level 🙂 Have a wonderful weekend gorgeous girl xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Gratitude TriumphsMy Profile

  6. Rachael says:

    I don’t drink coffee all that much Sarah and I haven’t had a martini in good while either but these look SO delicious – I would totally give them a whirl. Be gorgy to serve up for a pre dinner drinks show too. Oh my, that is a great looking slab… how exciting that your dream home is on it’s way!

    • Sarah says:

      We had these as a special drink before Teppanyakki, was a lovely way to start the evening, a pre show drink sounds fabulous, must put that on my list to do. It’s all very exciting here, who would have thought we’d ever be building a home, never in my wildest dreams. x

  7. I am not a coffee drinker, but I LOVE the smell (bizarre!) and think that one day I will turn. You are making me want one of those espressos, they look delish. Anything with kahlua is fab x
    Ashlea @ Glamour Coastal Living recently posted…Feature Friday: The Home of Nicole from The Builder’s WifeMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Me too Ashlea, I so don’t drink coffee but I love the smell too. This one had me making an exception. Girl after my own heart… just love a kahlua. x

  8. Oh yes!!!! I love love love the espresso martini that our local wine bar does. I don’t go often, it is seen as bad form to suggest the wine bar as a play date location – most mums seem to prefer the park 😉
    But when I do get there I always have the espresso martini instead of a dessert.
    Can’t wait to try it at home.

    I’ve signed up for post notifications as
    1) this is my first visit and you have a post that turns coffee into an alcoholic drink!!! girl after my own heart 🙂
    2)I want to see more about your house. We are rebuilding after a fire and fingers crossed the concrete pad is being poured next week……

    See you again soon 🙂
    p.s totally kidding about the playdate thing!!!
    Claire | Sprinkles and Sprouts recently posted…Zucchini Carpaccio and a GiveawayMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh lovely to meet you Claire, you’re definately a girl after my own heart, it’s lovely to meet new people online, I’m a fan of your gorgeous food. Yay for your concrete pour next week, it’s so exciting, I read your story about the fire, that’s heartbreaking, here’s to a whole new adventure and more memories to make. Looking forward to following along with your progress too. X PS I’m up for a playdate anytime lol!

  9. Yum, love expresso martinis thanks so much for sharing how to make them

    • Sarah says:

      Pleasure Vicki, had to share as I’ve never had them before, or even heard of them. Where have I been all my life?

  10. You had me at vodka! Go the house plans, is it two storey? I can’t wait to build again… one day
    Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me recently posted…Brought to you by Durex.My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Emily. The house is one storey, just keeping it simple so we can enjoy life and have less money pressure. It’s pretty exciting, I’ve never built before and I never thought we’d ever have the opportunity to build at all. Have a great week. x

  11. I love an Espresso Martini and these look the real deal! I love drinking cocktails but I’m way too lazy to make them! That’s so exciting about the house… bring it on!

    • Sarah says:

      They don’t take long to make once you have everything, but it’s always nice to have someone else make one for you agreed. x

  12. Just YUM, all right! And they look so good too!
    Ooh, your house is really starting to grow now, Sarah. So exciting! xx
    Lisa@RandomActsOfZen recently posted…The Zen Files // Denyse from Denyse Whelan Blogs To ConnectMy Profile

  13. Love love love espresso martinis and yours look delish!!

  14. […] TOMFO   ///   Espresso Martini […]

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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