Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make white clay christmas ornaments

A simple DIY to make white clay Christmas ornaments with just 3 ingredients.

The clay is super soft and brilliant white.


It feels magic to touch too!

I’ve been waiting for this personalised rolling pin so we could make these.

It arrived the other day and we got straight into making these gorgeous things.



OMG I’m in love with it! You can get it here from the lovely Zuzia. (Some people are so clever)

Mine was personalised with the words…. “Made with love by Kirby”

I think it’s just the best thing…


The little guy loved it, which is always a good sign.


I searched for a cornflour/white clay dough so these ornaments would be nice and smooth and not grainy like  a salt play dough.

This is the recipe we followed from The Imagination Tree here.




How to make White Clay Christmas Ornaments

You will need:

1 cup bi carb soda (baking soda)

1/2 cup cornflour (cornstarch)

3/4 cup warm water


Plain rolling pin and personalised rolling pin (or use some christmas patterned stamps)

Cookie cutters (I think the metal ones give a cleaner cut)

Baking paper

Cooking oil spray

Baking tray




To make White Clay Christmas Ornaments


1. Mix the dry ingredients into a saucepan. Then add the warm water and stir until all dissolved.

Put the pan on medium heat stirring constantly, until the mixture resembles a playdough.

Then remove from the heat and let cool.

Once cooled, kneed with on a lightly cornfloured surface until soft and smooth.


2. We rolled out the dough to be approximately 4 mm thick with a plain rolling pin.

Then, used our personalised rolling pin to gently press down and make our imprint. (If you don’t have that, you could also use some rubber stamps with no ink to make patterns)

Position so your message fits inside the cookie cutter. Then push down to cut the shapes.

Peel away any excess and gently place on tray with lightly greased baking paper.

To add the holes for hanging, we used the lid of a texta.


3. We baked some in the oven at 75 degrees C for 30 mins, keep an eye on them, you are basically air drying them.

We also left some out to dry on their own for a day or so.

(I think the air drying method was best to avoid cracking, and also rolling them thin avoids cracking.)


4. Finally, once dry, add some coloured ribbon.

Perfect for gifts, or to decorate  your tree.

We are finishing up kindy this year, so some of these are destined for fabulous teachers and carers to remember us by.

The fact that the little guy helped make them too, will be extra special.


I can see us making some cookies with this fabulous rolling pin, it’s just too gorgeous.

Let me know if you have any awesome cookie recipes so we can keep rolling.



We’ll be keeping a few for our tree too. (Of course).

It’s tree trimming time here this weekend.

I think the little guy is going to love hanging these on. (We’ll save a special one for you too grandma!)


Happy Thanksgiving to my US followers.

Have a great weekend guys.




Live with Love,


Did you know I also design a range of Christmas prints?

I’d love you to check out my shop below.





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Linking up to  With Some Grace + The Pin Junkie + Life Love and Hiccups + The Sits Girls + Just a Girl and Her Blog + Sweetly Chic Events + A Dose of Paige + House of Hipsters + My Brown Paper Packages




34 responses to “How to make white clay christmas ornaments”

  1. Renee says:

    Oh my! These ornaments are just divine!! I can’t wait to try them with my kids! Thanks Sarah!

  2. Sarah says:

    Awesome… If you don’t have the persoanlised rolling pin, you can use rubber stamps with no ink on them or even glitter. I think your guys would love it! x

  3. NO WAY! Personalised rolling pins that is so awesome. Love white Xmas decos!
    Emily @ Have A Laugh On Me recently posted…Tips to spend less on your kids this Christmas!My Profile

  4. I am all over that personalised rolling pin (metaphorically speaking!) That is way cool, just like you! I think those decorations are adorable, they’d be the best looking decs on the tree by far.

  5. Kate says:

    These are so pretty and the rolling pin is absolute GENIUS! Such a clever idea and the ornaments look like you’ve bought them from a really high end store. I love them! x
    Kate recently posted…{DIY} Mini Envelope Advent CalendarMy Profile

  6. Bele @ BlahBlah says:

    They’re so beautiful! I love love love the rolling pin x

  7. Oh how awesome is cornflour!! You can do anything with that stuff!! I love the idea of these – so easy and clever!
    Lucy @ Bake Play Smile recently posted…Fruity French Toast – Fabulous Foodie Fridays #29My Profile

  8. Sarah, these look really lovely. I made some recently from clay I purchased from my local Art supply store, but I think I’ll try the home made version. Love that rolling pin. I think I need to have one of those. Thanks for the inspiration.
    Libby from Libby’s Lifestyle recently posted…Christmas: How to make clay decorations or gift tags.My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Libby, love your ornaments too.
      This was easy because we had the ingredients at home already. I think the store bought white clay looks fab too. x

  9. Grace says:

    That rolling pin is just awesome!!! I’ll have to head over to Zuzia’s site! Beautiful ornaments 🙂 x
    Grace recently posted…FYBF – The Flow of Crazy EditionMy Profile

  10. oh they are adorable and that rolling pin is like the best idea ever!!! xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Win a Reid Cycles Kid’s Bike for ChristmasMy Profile

  11. angela jose says:

    Wow! they are so simple to make. The lettering engraved makes it look so cute !
    Merry Christmas and love from india

  12. Holly Romero says:

    These are so cute!
    Holly Romero recently posted…My Christmas Wishlist (& A Giveaway)My Profile

  13. These decorations are gorgeous and I just love how simple they are to make. Mmmmmmm I’m thinking some good teacher gifts.And for the record that rolling pin is just fantastic, I’m very tempted!
    have a great week.
    Dannielle @ Zamamabakes recently posted…Mini Caramelised Onion & Blue Cheese TartsMy Profile

  14. Sarah says:

    Thanks Danielle, I totally recommend the rolling pin, it can be used for cookies too, that’s next on our list to do. Have a great day yourself. x

  15. Coolest rolling pin ever! WOW! LOVE this project! Pinned! We’d love it if you’d shared it at our Found & Foraged link up party. This Friday at 8PM Central Time…normally it’s Saturdays at 8PM but InLinkz is having some sort of maintenance server update during our normal party time. Anyhoo, we’d love to see you at
    Kyla @HouseofHipsters recently posted…Giveaway + #artbreak from PlumbMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Kyla, thanks it is such a cool rolling pin, one we will treasure for years to come. I’d love to link up, just checked out your your blog, absolutely gorgeous.x

      • Thanks again so much for linking up at Found & Foraged last Saturday! And thank you for such a sweet comment about mine…I think yours is gorgeous as well. I’m still all about this rolling pin! Speaking of pins…pinning! Thanks so much for linking up at Found & Foraged! We hope to see you again this Saturday at 8PM CT…yet, back to normal time again this week! Can’t wait to see what you’ve been working on!
        Kyla @HouseOfHipsters recently posted…DIY Photobooth BackdropMy Profile

  16. Jacqui Odell says:

    These are so cute!! Thank you for linking up to Party Time and we hope to see you again next week!
    Jacqui Odell recently posted…Turtle Cheese PieMy Profile

  17. I keep seeing this personalised rolling in everywhere and have such envy! What a great idea to use it on ornaments. Thanks again for linking up with my Christmas Link Party. xx
    Malinda @mybrownpaperpackages recently posted…Christmas Link PartyMy Profile

  18. […] Gouda Veggie Quesadillas || Merry Little Christmas Printable || English Scones with Cheddar || DIY White Clay Christmas Ornaments || White Chocolate Christmas […]

  19. I love that rolling pin. What a fantastic idea and a great gift in itself. These decorations are a great idea. I might do this for next year. x
    Bec @ The Plumbette recently posted…What to pack for baby for a weekend awayMy Profile

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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