Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to wrap wine bottles as a gift

So… I do love a bit of wine economy…

A couple of mates who have a studio kindly  let me use their space at Stem Media the other week, and I took a few shots of my prints for the shop.

Of course they wouldn’t accept anything for the time I spent there, so I decided to pay in wine…

Here’s an easy tutorial on how to wrap wine bottles in paper…

The best bit is… this makes them easy to carry too.

Here’s my inspiration… you can try wrapping them in material here like Martha did.



I have a large roll of butchers paper that I use to wrap everything in my office…

And I use washi tape, or ribbon etc to make it fit the occasion.

I used this as my paper to wrap the bottles.


How to wrap wine bottles 

2 Bottles of wine (non tapered works best)

1 Sheet paper (mine measured 1500mm x 610mm)

I A4 sheet pink fluro paper






I. Cut paper to size, I used a continuous  roll of paper 610mm wide and cut it to approx 1500mm long. Place the two bottles of wine on top.

2. Then lay flat with enough space in between to fold over.

3. Roll the paper around both bottles to form one long cylinder.

4. Then fold in half as shown.

5. Gently twist the tops of both ends.

6. Then begin tying a knot in the paper.

7. Tie the knot securely and trim the ends.

8. Using scissors cut some triangle shapes from paper, then stick on in a random pattern with a glue stick.

9. The perfect way to give wine as a “wine economy” gift or even take it to a bbq when you’re told… “not to bring a thing”.


You could even decorate with black ink in a cross pattern…

Use dot stickers…

or get the kids to do some artwork, like Angelina’s wedding dress, (that would be neat!)


Here’s a couple of the “wine economy” shots I took at the studio of my prints…

You can check them all out here in the shop too.


I’m so not a photographer…

But they tell the story…

I’m so grateful for the space and camera.


I’m also grateful for the magic of photoshop and a guy who can do magic with shots that are out of focus…

I forgot my glasses that day too… argh!!


Head over to the shop to check them out here, I hope you love them as much as me, but then I’m biased.

I believe… you’re never to old to make wishes.

I’m lucky… I have lots of favourites and I love them all the same… (but don’t tell the others)

My husband and I used to say…”I love you more than all the sand in the world”

…when we were first lovers…

Now how there’s a print on the wall, we have started saying it again…

I think we should celebrate every day like it’s our birthday too… life’s so much more fun then!


I’d love to think they might inspire you too… or make you smile when you walk out the door everyday.

I can design custom prints too, if you’re looking for a different colour or have a favourite saying you’d like on your wall.

I love a good story, so get in touch…




Here’s cheers to the wine economy…

And good friends…

I think I’ll be wrapping wine like this for the next few birthdays.


Do you love the wine economy?


Have a great weekend


Live with Love,











Linking up with With Some Grace + Life Love and Hiccups












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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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