Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Introducing the Yamba Scandi Collection and a free printable


We live here…



It’s been 5 weeks since we landed in our new town.

…to live a simpler life.

Away from the stress of the big smoke.

And large mortgages.


To do all the things that we love.


Spend more time with our little guy.

Make/design stuff.


Fish. (who knew we’d love that, all of us do)

Get happy.

The list goes on.

It’s a work in progress.


So… I’m unashamedly introducing you to my new collection

Yamba Scandi.


It’s also a work in progress…

We are building a new home here and my plan is to fill it with Scandinavian inspired designs, with a touch of Yamba influence.


This is the first in a series of many.

There are so many pictures and places we have been already, that I can’t wait to turn into designs for our new home.




It’s not hard to design stuff when you are inspired by the area.




you have less stress.


Here’s what inspired the first pieces in the Yamba Scandi collection.

There’s a spot where we walk called Pippies Beach,

it’s beautiful.

The big guy surfs,

we walk to the rocks. (ROCKS @ PIPPIES)

And another,

called Turners,

I love the breakwall stroll.

It’s where I saw the sandstone (BREAKWALL SANDSTONE) and the tree in the sun (THE BREAKWALL TREE)  that inspired the designs above.

Our dog comes walking with us to all these places, so everyone wins.







I’m keenly waiting the arrival of these throw pillows,

You might remember North Coast Poles from a few weeks back too, it’s now going to be a pillow.


Incase you don’t need another pillow or clock…

I thought you might interested in this kid’s Job Chart editable printable, FREE TO DOWNLOAD.

We need one here in our house!

And I thought the Rocks @ Pippies would be a nice background.





To personalize this reward chart you will need to have the LATEST version of Adobe Reader installed on your computer. You can download a free copy of this program at

Download the editable pdf and save to your desktop, then open the document in Adobe Reader and start typing over the sample text! Then save your changes and print out.

You won’t be able to change the text/font type, color or location of any of the text, fonts or graphics. You will only be able to enter customized wording in the Job chart name and Jobs to do fields. You cannot edit/personalize this collection on an iPad, iPhone or other mobile device.


This chart has been designed to print on your home printer. It is A4 size. Use regular copy paper or thicker card stock to print this.


If using a Mac, you will need to open and edit this file in Adobe Reader only and NOT Mac’s default PDF viewer called Preview.


Are you into the Scandinavian look like me?

Do you use reward charts?



Have a great weekend guys.


Live with Love,



Linking up with With Some Grace and Life love and Hiccups


PS: We are still waiting for our final bank approval,

Easter will do that.

and then we can get the ball rolling with building.

We had our first visitors over the weekend, which was awesome. We fished up a storm.
We’re off tonight to see someone else’s visitors arriving in town…one big happy family. Love it!


Check out my Yamba Scandi Collection here

Download the free Kids job chart printable here





9 responses to “Introducing the Yamba Scandi Collection and a free printable”

  1. Everything is awesome – I love it! You are so talented, Sarah. Once we transform our place from Brown Town to White City, I am going to be all over your store. Hope the bank staff come outof their chocolate coma forthwith and that things start to shape up at the bank very soon!

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Sammie, yep, we still have a few brown bits to get rid of too, I have the big guy on sanding and beeswax duty, lol! Me too on the bank stuff! Happy weekend.

  2. You just never stop rolling out the tricks you clever girl. They are gorgeous xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…Screw it – It’s The Weekend!My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Sonia, that’s lovely to hear, I’m loving all your exciting new stuff, especially Sam’s big adventure and meeting the other day. x

  3. Sandra Kelly says:

    So talented! How wonderful it must be to be inspired by what you notice everyday. Amazing!

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you Sandra, I’m enjoying this new gig, I’m loving making a whole new home for my little family and making me feel great along the way, by doing what I love.

      Have a great weekend.x

  4. Bele @ BlahBlah says:

    Oooooh, I love them. I saw the gorgeous cushion on Insta and had to come and have a lookie. I’m so, so, so happy the move is going so well and inspiring such beautiful work x

  5. I envy your creative mind Sarah – I dream to have a house furnished with such things!

  6. Sarah, your work is stunning! And I’ve just realized I wasn’t following you on IG…..fixed that quick smart! x

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

Santa's beard calendar | Christmas countdown calendar | Tomfo | Christmas calendar | Advent calendar


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