Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Kiss me quick the galah prints – The Yamba Scandi Collection



This was my view as I walked the lake this morning…

There was mist on the water

and fish in the ripples.

Lip smackingly beautiful.


The day before we saw these..

Kissing Galahs.




Some were kissing,

some were in pairs

others were not.


We stopped.

To watched them.


You see, in Sydney

I was always complaining about the birds,


and the noise.


I never took the time to stop and notice.

I was too busy.


Too busy to see the birds


the quick kisses,

they gave each other.

The way they sat in pairs,

in a flock.




DIY mesh memo board


Or the way they fly…


Then come back to each other.


These are the latest in my Yamba Scandi Collection.

The Galahs – Kiss me quick.

{coming soon to my shop}



My friend sent me this quote the other day…

‘You never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory” Dr Seuss.



Here’s to

kissing quick,

and often,

…like the birds.


And if you’re missing someone special,

they may be flying free, but they will always be part of your flock.

I’m sending huge, infinity virtual kisses from me to you. x




Happy mother’s day weekend to all the mums out there, mine included.


A thousand kisses from me mum,

until I can give them to you in person in a few months,

I’ll be the one stealing the kisses from the galahs x





Live with Love,




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Linking up with HITWith Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.




15 responses to “Kiss me quick the galah prints – The Yamba Scandi Collection”

  1. Chris says:

    What beautiful words and thoughts. Inspiring as always, thank you.

  2. Love those kissing galahs and how true is that Dr Seuss quote?!
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…She’s So Inspiring – Camille CondonMy Profile

  3. Sal says:

    Always up for a quick kiss! Thinking of you, happy mothers day 🙂

  4. Love this print! And I love that you have a whole new perspective since leaving Sydney! That lake pic is amazing! What a way to start the day! Happy Mother’s Day to you too lovely! Xx
    Shannon@ my2morrows recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #66My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you lovely, I hope you had a great day too. I’m pretty spoilt with that lake view, and you are right, this new perspective is priceless, I always had it, it just had to be coaxed out. x

  5. Oh you are so talented! I love these prints, a beautiful reminder to stop and smell the roses every now and then! xx
    Ashlea | Glamour Coastal Living | recently posted…Feature Friday: An IKEA Kitchen MakeoverMy Profile

  6. Grace says:

    There’s something magical about kissing galahs. I love how you’ve captured them.
    Grace recently posted…FYBF – With lots of love heartsMy Profile

  7. Just stunning! I so love the way you find your inspiration and the stories you share along with them xxx
    Nicole @ The Builders Wife recently posted…My Favourite Space with @myhumblehomeMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Nicole, I’m loving sharing the stories with the prints, they are so simple, sometimes you need a story to clarify the process behind them.

  8. Bec Senyard says:

    What lovely prints. Your store is truly awesome!
    Bec Senyard recently posted…My, What Big Eyes You HaveMy Profile

  9. […] from TOMFO shared her new kissing galahs prints that are part of her online […]

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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