Tomfo Yamba Scandi

How to make Gluten Free Honeycomb

There’s this cool ice cream cake that mum made…

She’s gluten free.

It’s got honeycomb in it, which makes it yum, but store bought honeycomb isn’t gluten free…so she can’t eat it…

Until now…

I couldn’t help myself, I searched for gluten free honeycomb everywhere,

There was none at any store online.


I found Nigella’s Hokey Pokey recipe and gave it a shot. It’s gluten free!


Seriously cool to make, the bicarb soda is magic, it puffs up like crazy…

Takes 3 mins on the stove.

Tastes awesome.

Best bit…. is it’s gluten free!

We made some on the weekend, the little guy and I.

It’s kept crunchy all week.


Ingredients                     (makes enough for a sandwich bag full of honeycomb)

1 Cup Castor Sugar

8 Tablespoons Golden Syrup

3 Teaspoons Bi-Carb Soda/Baking Soda

200g Sweet Williams Chocolate (gluten free)


1. Have a lined tray covered with lightly greased baking paper or foil and the Bi-Carb soda, ready before you start.

2. Mix the sugar and syrup in a saucepan until combined. Then put on gentle heat, stirring, until all the sugar is dissolved.

3. Turn up the heat and bring mixture to the boil, (don’t stir once boiling), time it for 3 mins or until the mixture goes the colour of maple syrup. It needs to reach 145 C so the mixture is crunchy when cooled. If you have a sugar thermometer it will ensure a perfect crunch every time.

4. Take the pan off the heat and whisk in the bi carb soda, it will puff up like crazy, then quickly spoon it onto the lined tray with baking paper or greased foil.

5. Leave it to set, then smash into small pieces.

6. Melt 200g chocolate (I used a bowl ontop of simmering water on the stove and mixed until melted), then remove from the heat and pour over smashed honeycomb, use tongs to smother the honeycomb in chocolate. Let cool and enjoy!

After we finished we used the Bi-Carb to  have some more fun with fizzing colour (Vinegar, Bi-Carb and food dye, hours of fun for the little guy)

Bi-Carb is my latest love, who knew it made honeycomb and entertained kids for hours too!


We’ve got another party for the little guy this weekend, (an extension of his Superhero Party with all the family)

…And it’s mum’s birthday too!

You’ve gotta eat cake on your birthday, I reckon.

So now we’re ready to make that ice cream cake for all the gluten free kids out there (my mum included)


Seriously easy, gluten free honeycomb, give it a try, you’ll love it!

The little guy said, “Lets make the puffy stuff again!”

I think it’s definately on the cards, I can’t stop eating it!


We are always looking for gluten free recipes at our house. Have you got any gluten free recipes you love?
I ‘d love to hear, drop me a line in the comments below.



Live with Love,







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Linking up with Love, Life and Hiccups


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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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