Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Movember | How you can join the movement & a free printable

Brought to you by Nuffnang and Movember


Sometimes you get a wake up call…

And sometimes you need one!


When the guys at Movember asked me to write a post for them,

to stop men dying too young and support the movement for men’s health,

I jumped at the chance.


Little did I know it was my own wake up call.

We all want to be around for Christmas

and many more to come,





Did you know in Australia:

  • On average, men die around four years younger than women
  • 1 in 2 men will be diagnosed with cancer by the age of 85
  • Suicide is the leading cause of death for men aged 15 – 44 years
  • On average, 6 men each day take their own life
  • Prostate cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in men
  • More than 3,300 men with prostate cancer will die in 2016
  • Testicular cancer is the second most common cancer, behind skin cancers, in young men aged 18 – 39 years
  • 36 years old is the average age of a man diagnosed with testicular cancer.


By supporting Movember and raising awareness,

men having a prostate check will become a regular thing to do,

if it’s top of mind,

{and everyone else is doing it},

more men will get checked.

It’s not only about prostate cancer though, Movember also raises funds and awareness for suicide, mental health and testicular cancer in men.


So why not start a conversation,

spread the word,

and have fun while you’re doing good?


Want to know how you can support Movember?

1. Grow your Mo learn more here.

2.  Sponsor some friends who grow a Mo, to raise money for this cause.

I love seeing my brother and friends grow Mo’s in November.

I wonder what they’ll grow this year?


And if you’re a woman, you can get involved too.

3. Take the Move Challenge. by getting physically fit and active during Movember.

4. Or host an event.



I thought we could also keep Movember moving into December,

with these Free Movember Christmas Gift tags.


They’ll be under your tree,

gently reminding you,

and the men in your life,

why they grew that Mo,

sponsored someone who did,

or took the Move challenge.

Because if Movember encourages men to talk and look after their health, to live longer and happier lives, then that’s a pretty darn cool, thing to be a part of I reckon.




DIY Movember Christmas Gift Tags

What you will need:

Free Movember Christmas Gift Tag Printable

A4 Card 200gsm (6 tags on a sheet)

Computer and Printer


Hole punch


Download the free printable and print onto A4 card. Cut out the tags using scissors, then punch a hole with a hole punch as shown above. Then thread with string and wrap your presents.


I have one more thing to say…

remember how I said I got my own wake up call?

This is the day I finally give up smoking.

{There, I said it for all the world to see}

It’s time for me to get active and healthy

and be around for many more Christmases to come.


So, thank you Movember

you move people in more ways than you think.



What will you do this November to support Movember and stop men dying too young?

Join the fight for men’s health,

{5 million moustaches have already.}

Sign up at

It not only helps men’s health, but women’s too.

You might even get your own wake up call like me.




Happy weekend guys,


Live with love,



PS: This is also the day we got the keys to our new house one year ago, it’s amazing how far we’ve come...

our angels are still looking after us I reckon, especially my favourite one, Tom, today x.




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Linking up with HIT, With Some Grace and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.






18 responses to “Movember | How you can join the movement & a free printable”

  1. Our family has an annual mo entrant though it does get rather smelly due to his super fast hair growing abilities! It is a fantastic cause to get behind.
    Karin @ Calm to Conniption recently posted…Righting Regrets With Finger FoodMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Me too, I think it is a great thing… so many men grow a Mo in November and now there’s even more ways to join in by taking the Move Challenge.

  2. Such a great idea for Movember with Christmas moustaches.
    Maria Parenti-Baldey recently posted…How To Lock Your LoveMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you Maria, they might even spark up a conversation on Christmas morning under the tree, just one new conversation will make a difference.

  3. Pete says:

    Christmas is spelt Christmases when in the plural.There is no need for an apostrophe.
    Best Tomfo yet!!!
    Never surrender unless it means you give up something which is killing you !

    • Sarah says:

      Every time with the apostrophe!!! I think I do it just to keep you on your toes sometimes.
      (I’ve fixed it now)
      I thought you would like that one dad. xx

  4. My hubby did Movember once. That was enough. He looked like a dodgy Miami Vice extra. I’m happy to hold on the mo and splash the cash for charity instead. That said, I’m growing my own old lady mo and could be a contender this Movember. Your gift tags are totes awesome – love, love, love! And go you with stopping smoking. Yes, you can!
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…The Ultimate Rabbit Hole #91My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      It always makes me laugh at some of the mo’s my friends grow, it’s a good cause and you get to have a bit of fun while doing good.
      I’m with you on the lady mo too lol!
      Yes, I think I can this time, 3 days and going well here. Happy weekend lovely x

  5. Lydia C. Lee says:

    What a great idea- very cute tags

  6. Great movember post!
    Love the gift tags.
    We usually sponsor someone in Movember. Last year my BIL grew the trucker.
    I didn’t know it was also “Move”ember for women. And here I was trying to grow a tash … (which unfortunately isn’t that hard)

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you, it’s such a great cause. One of my friends grew the Trucker last year too.
      And yes me too, I never knew women could get involved until now, hope you are having a great weekend.

  7. Those tags are super cute!

  8. Thanks for sharing this Sarah. It is so important to get our men to talk and get to the drs! My hubby is terrible for this. He knows he is overweight and carries it around his middle, his father is a type 2 diabetic and he also had a prostrate ca scare but do you think I can get him off to the drs to get a simple blood test.

    I will be definitely using these tags on this years Christmas gifts. Thanks so much for creating them xoxo
    Cat@life through the haze recently posted…Am I Worthy? #SL1My Profile

  9. Grace says:

    Oh, Sarah! I am always in awe with your creativity! How cool are those Christmas tree prints?! Movember is such a great cause. Love the guide…I’ve seen so many young guys with the Connoisseur lately…must be the in thing!
    Grace recently posted…FYBF – New BeginningsMy Profile

  10. I absolutely LOVE your Christmas tags!! How cool. Great cause xx
    Nicole @ The Builder’s Wife recently posted…Pushing the Boundaries & Accepting ImperfectionsMy Profile

  11. Bec Senyard says:

    Very cute. My Jacob is doing Movemeber and I wrote a post about how it’s going. Anything to raise awareness and money for men’s health is a good thing.
    Bec Senyard recently posted…West Village is the up and Coming Place to Live in BrisbaneMy Profile

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

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