Tomfo Yamba Scandi
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Do you have a christmas tradition? Here’s ours…

Christmas traditions do you have one? Here is ours…every year we light tealights in paper bags and make a trail on the lawn on Christmas eve for all the people in our lives. It started as a tribute to the beautiful Jae and has continued ever since. The first year we lit candles in white

A rap song about Tomfo

With the help of some talented people, I can say it’s a wrap! We made a video! Christmas is fast approaching and I thought it was a good time to reflect on all that’s happened on my little blog over the past nine months. I had so much fun creating this with the guys, I

Chocolate Christmas Tree Pizzas

Here’s how to make these christmas tree pizzas, it’s a super simple recipe. … melt some chocolate in the microwave and add christmas decorations…you could get creative and make a snowman, a santa face or rudolf’s nose. Smiley faces could be cute too! They’re a fab idea when you have to take a plate to a

Free Christmas paper and tags Printable

I know everyone is super busy at this time of year, so here is a tutorial and a FREE printable to make these cute teacher or classmate gifts that look like you spent hours on. They’re super quick to do and you can get the older kids to help out too! Here’s how I made

DIY Christmas lights that spell love – simple to do!

Kaboom… It’s nearly Christmas! I think lights make everything more magical. Don’t you? Last weekend we put the tree up at our place, early I know, but we had a helper from interstate and I thought she’d love to share the “tree putting up” with our little guy. So we did it! And she loved it!

A timeline canvas to make – put all those photos on display

When mum asked me how she could make a timeline canvas, I said, let me do it for you! She had to wait a while, it took me an age to start, but once I started it was pretty neat seeing all the cool pics that were once in old photo albums. The request was

DIY Santa Christmas Countdown Advent Calendar

Get ready to countdown to Christmas with the kids with this Santa Christmas Countdown Calendar. Print this instant printable, then use cotton wool balls to make santa’s beard… see the easy tutorial below.   We’re getting ready to put up the tree at our house (I think I am more excited than anyone, I’m hoping we can

The easiest scone recipe – made with a can of lemonade!

This neat recipe has 4 ingredients and it tastes great too! My little guy and I had fun making these scones together…they’re a cinch to make. One of the ladies who looks after our little guy made these with the kids at daycare and I asked how she did it. Here’s the recipe… LEMONADE SCONES

Christmas tags to make with the kids + Repurpose Art Challenge No. 8!

Get organised this rainy weekend… why not make some xmas tags with the kids or grandkids? There are 2 ideas to make here and a couple of repurpose artwork ideas for wrapping too! They look fab and the fact that they are handmade makes them even more special. I love it when you do something

Make an outside chalkboard + our deck revamp

  How about making an outdoor chalkboard for the kids this Christmas? Summer is coming and it’s time to get out and spend some more hours outside! I Love that… dinner outside, more hours to relax and hang out together. I’ve been meaning to do something with one of our decks that was previously just a

A quick halloween decoration

Halloween is fast approaching and I thought we better get with the program. We have some Americans in our street and they always go all out with witches and pumpkins and all the kids in the cul-de-sac knock on the doors for trick or treat. So… I thought we’d give them a surprise when they

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

Santa's beard calendar | Christmas countdown calendar | Tomfo | Christmas calendar | Advent calendar


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is © Tomfo. Thank you xx