Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Word search birthday cards printable. The card for 27 occasions!

Lately we’ve had a lot of parties in our house and I have found myself quickly wrapping up a present as we are about to run out the door, I’ve been thinking to myself… “I really need to get a few birthday greeting cards on hand to use in a rush!”

A child’s birthday party…

Father’s Day…

A Wedding….

Sometimes I’m not so organised…

So, I decided to make up a card that could be used for lots of occasions.

Here is what I came up with… (I’ve had fun designing these.)

It’s a word search card that you can use for 27 different occasions. Simply highlight the occasion on the card, (use a highlighter for colour or circle with a black pen.) I used a ruler to make sure my line was straight!


If you need to post the card, there’s a place on the back to add address information.




If you are heading to a birthday party, just tape it on the top of the present or slip it under some string.


If you are posting the card add some tape to secure… it’s blank inside so you can write your own message. I’ve added some kisses and hugs and “you rock” to the word search just for fun too.

Cool… now I’m organised for any occasion.




Are you always searching for a birthday greeting card for a party or event at the last minute?

We’re off to another party this weekend and our present is wrapped and sorted (love it), happy long weekend guys,


SHOP THE Word Search Card Pdf Printable here


Live with Love,




Linking with Mom’s Small Victories + With Some Grace + Sew Many Ways


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35 responses to “Word search birthday cards printable. The card for 27 occasions!”

  1. Lindi Owen says:

    What a great idea for a card. I am always looking for cards at the last minute. This would save a lot of time and the kids would have great fun highlighting this card.

    • Sarah says:

      Hi Lindi
      Thanks for stopping by, glad you like it, an email with the pdf for you to download and print out coming your way. x

  2. Pete says:

    I want these cards !
    I always love individual cards !
    I can do my own thing on them !

  3. Jane says:

    What a clever idea! Bring on the high lighters !

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Jane and Pete, will pop a pdf on email to you both, the kids will love high lighting these I think. x

  4. Andrea says:

    Wow, what a brilliant idea!

  5. Di Nicholls says:

    What an absolutely fabulous idea!

    Love it!

    Please send me the PDF, I’d love to make a spin on it and see what you think.



  6. How cool is this & You for sending us this cool card file!! You Rock!! 🙂 Michelle

  7. Liz says:

    Truly the perfect generic card to fit all occasions

  8. Virginia says:

    This is really a neat idea!

  9. katy phillips says:

    This is such a brilliant idea. I love making personalised cards for my friends and family but this is something I hadn’t thought of.

  10. Louise Blackstone says:

    This is an awesome idea, I love the simplicity of it but also the uniqueness of it.

    I’d love the pdf if possible

  11. Carmen says:

    It is a wonderful idea for all those who like word search.

  12. Camille says:

    Love this idea! Pinned it!
    Camille recently posted…First Friday Favorite!My Profile

  13. Piper says:

    Such a cool idea!

  14. Kristin says:

    What a fun idea!

  15. Danielle says:

    Luv it!!!

  16. Jo Ann says:

    This is fantastic!

  17. That’s brilliant! What a clever idea.
    Bec @ Seeing the Lighter Side of Parenting recently posted…Once upon a time, FarFaria way (story book app giveaway & review)My Profile

  18. I’m so late for this giveaway but what a fantastic idea!!! LOVE it. Very original! 🙂
    Maria @ Mummy Goes Mad recently posted…Blog Design Process: Including 15% – 20% Blog Design DiscountMy Profile

  19. Sarah says:

    Thanks Maria, a pdf is on the way to you. x

  20. Amanda says:

    Oh my gosh – that’s genius!

  21. Paula McKinney says:

    Sarah, what a unique and brilliant idea! Love it!

  22. vidya says:

    Wow ! Super cool. i ve always loved these puzzles ! Love this more !

  23. Beth Thorndyke says:

    Awesome idea!!

  24. Carla says:

    I came across this through your link on IHeartOrganizing. Brilliant! I’m wondering if I am too late for the free PDF? Such a creative idea to have on-hand and a cost-saver too!

  25. Katie M says:

    What a brilliant idea. It would be perfect to have a stack of these on hand for those times you need an emergency card. I’d be very excited to receive a PDF copy of this card.
    Katie M recently posted…Make Your Own – A Dolly Sleeping Bag TutorialMy Profile

  26. Brooke says:

    Saw this on the I Heart Organizing links and I think it’s super cute and brilliant! (Especially for those last-minute Oh! We need a card! moments).
    Brooke recently posted…Rerun’s RoomMy Profile

  27. Leslie says:

    What a great idea! I hope I’m not too late for the pdf–I have several card giving occasions coming up!!

  28. Kristen says:

    Oh my gosh, your card is so cool! My daughter is obsessed with word searches, she could highlight them for me!

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

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