Tomfo Yamba Scandi

The day we got the keys to our new dream home

{I wrote this yesterday, Wed 28th Oct}


Do you believe in angels?

I do.


Today we got the keys to our new house.

That will become our home,

when it’s filled with my Yamba Scandi Collection which is inspired by the fabulous new community we live in, the generous people in it and family and friends that inspire me.



This day 3 years ago,

I was crying

because we lost Tom.



I am on a high.

Invincible even.

{and I’m still crying, happy and sad tears}


We’ve begun to achieve our dream.


Nothing is impossible.

{when you have angels}

Like Tom and Rob and Frank to name a few.


This morning the builder said,

“I’m sorry, unless the money hits our account today we can’t hand over at 1.30pm.”

So, I rang the bank,

and amazingly they did a same day tansfer.

I’ve never heard of that before.

but it happened.




On Tom’s day.


And we got the keys.

and we had many tours through with friends (old and new) and the fabulous builders.

And we sent pictures to our family who weren’t here.

And we cheersed.

With champagne and beer.

And we had glasses in the cupboard.

And a bag of ice in the sink.

{Some things are just that important}



And I had a quite toast to my wonderful cousin.

then I rang my favourite aunty,

{don’t tell the others},

and told her our story.


And I said,

“I reckon Tom did that.”

And she said.

“Me too.”


Today, I saw on Facebook one of my other cousins dreams begin to come true.

I don’t think it’s a coincidence.

I reckon it was Tommy.

{with a little help from Rob}


I so should be packing more boxes.

But I just wanted to share with you.

Our new dream

coming true

and the fact that…


you can achieve anything you set your heart too.

No matter what the circumstances may be…

When you have angels that inspire you.


Here’s cheers to my inspiring cousin, Tom.

Thank you.

You are our “smoking hot” angel!

I bet it’s so nice up in heaven since you arrived.


If you believe in angels,

I hope your favourite ones meet ours up there

and go dancing together. x





Live with Love,



I’m signing off now, we move in tomorrow. Yay!

I’ll be back in two weeks with a few pics of us all moved in hopefully.

Have a wonderful weekend guys.


Why not subscribe here so you don’t miss a FREEBIE?


I’m linking up with Home improvement Thursday, With Some Grace, The Weekend Rewind and The Ultimate Rabbit Hole.


PS: My 2016 Family organiser is available now, if you’d love one of these to keep you organised,

(It’s got 6 columns so you can keep track of busy family members)

click on this link below to order yours for the year ahead.










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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

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