Tomfo Yamba Scandi

Where we trod, a new piece in the Yamba Scandi Collection + a free gift tag printable


Sometimes inspiration comes from where somebody else trod before you.


you, trod with them.

just the beauty of the landscape.


I think it’s all that and a little bit more.


A few weeks back my folks came to town.

And we went here.

The Breakwall at Turners Beach Yamba.


It’s already been the inspiration for my Yamba Scandi Collection.


And I think there’ll be many more designs to come

from this spot.


It’s one of the first places we trod as a family.

The clouds and the rocks are different every time.

And we take all our visitors there too.



I saw this before…

In the rocks.

And trees.



This day,

we marvelled at the rocks and textures.
With new eyes,


my dad said he saw this…


So I made it into these.


It’s the newest piece in my Yamba Scandi Collection


“Where we trod”… from the Breakwall at Turners Beach.



Was that a bison on that rock?

Or a dog?

Or a deer with no horns?

We saw many things on the rocks that day.


But I think it’s the people we were with…

who always BELIEVE in us,



where we trod.








I thought you might like a free gift tag printable.

Because you’re treading along with me, (thanks for coming BTW, I love having you here)

You can download it here by clicking on the image above.

Print out onto A4 card, then cut out and hole punch and add some string or ribbon,

and you’ll be all set for when you need a gift tag in a hurry.


Have a wonderful weekend guys,


Ever been inspired by where you trod or who trod with you? 




Live with Love,




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PS: Our home update.

Our tiling is nearly complete in the bathrooms and the kitchen has been put in (minus the appliances and bench top).

Next week it’s painting time, then the plumber fits the bath, etc and the electrician will soon be on his way, I’ve been so looking forward to seeing him.

It’s not long to go, I’m so excited.




PPS: Did you know I design over here at Beyond Creative. When I’m not blogging and creating here?

Our 2016 Family planner with 6 columns for busy family members arrives Oct 3, it’s a limited edition print run!

Why not pre order your 2016 Family Organiser today so you don’t miss out?




Today I’m guest hosting the Weekend Rewind with these lovely ladies, who ALWAYS inspire me, Sonia from Life, Love and Hiccups, Bron from Maxabella Loves and Zoe from A Quirky Bird Hello girls, thanks for having me! x


I’m also linking up with With Some Grace and the Ultimate Rabbit Hole.


21 responses to “Where we trod, a new piece in the Yamba Scandi Collection + a free gift tag printable”

  1. Emily says:

    Congrats on co-hosting the Rewind! And WOW! Those pics! Those designs! What an eye you have. LOVE LOVE LOVE.
    Emily recently posted…The definition of ‘stroke’ (#strokeweek15 14-20 September)My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks Emily, I’m pretty stoked to be hanging with those girls, they are just awesome. Thanks for dropping by and have a fab weekend. x

  2. You are so creative Sarah! What a beautiful spot Yamba looks to be. So many friends love it there but I have never been.
    P.S. I see a dog.
    Karin @ Calm to Conniption recently posted…I’m not sure I want to ThighBrowMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      You should drop by next time you do a road trip up the coast, I think you’d love it here, but then I’m biased. I think it’s a dog too x happy weekend lovely.

  3. Sarah, your eye for detail is amazing. Who would have thought, a bison-dog-elephant (that was my creature) on the rock. Great designs. xx
    Zoe | A Quirky Bird recently posted…Why, Hello. It’s so nice to meet you.My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Zoe, Oh I love that, an elephant, too cool, even better a bison-dog-elephant creature! Thank you lovely lady, have a fab weekend. x

  4. Inspiration really does strike from anywhere! Love your new collection Sarah.
    stephanie@stephsjoy recently posted…Banana & Coconut LoafMy Profile

  5. Yay! You’re the hostess with the mostest at the Weekend Rewind this week! I LOVE this design hard, for the record, I see a dog and a very cute one at that! The house is moving along faster than the speed of light – the countdown to move in day is ON! Happy weekend, gorgeous xx
    Sammie @ The Annoyed Thyroid recently posted…She’s So Inspiring – Emily HawkerMy Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Oh thanks chick, too kind, thanks for your encouraging comments every week, I love seeing what you write. Happy weekend to you too. x

  6. JF Gibson says:

    Wow! You have a fabulous eye for design. So clever. And hope the house comes along quickly. Looking good!

    • Sarah says:

      Thank you, I just love simplifying things back to beautiful shapes and patterns. I can’t wait to put these up in out new house. Thanks for dropping by. X

  7. What stunning designs, they look amazing. What a great spot to live with so much inspiration everywhere. I can’t wait to see how you style your house once it’s finished! Have a lovely weekend x
    Lauren @ Create Bake Make recently posted…Fabulous Foodie Fridays #69My Profile

    • Sarah says:

      Thanks lauren it is such a wonderful spot to slow down and enjoy. Happy school hols to you guys. I am itching to get in there and start splashing this collection around, it’s going to be exciting to make our house a home. X

  8. Rachael says:

    Sarah, love the depth behind your designs. Would love to interview you on my blog some time!! Designing with heart is def makes a product stand out from the masses, loving your work! Tge house is coming along, so so exciting! X

  9. Sarah says:

    Thanks Rachel, I’ve found the inspiration to design here, it’s taken a crazy year before of near catastrophe to finally see a new direction, funny how that happens. I’d love to chat with you, that would be awesome, have a lovely weekend. X

  10. I love how you find inspiration, I totally see a scotty dog in the rock! Your kitchen & bathroom are looking good. We are moving to North Queensland on Friday and are renovating a house there so loving all the ideas.

  11. I love the way you see things….and the way you describe them. Bit poetic. And lovely.
    Angie @ The Little Mumma recently posted…Practically Perfect ParentingMy Profile

  12. I so need to pay more attention to where I tread – mindfulness is such a beautiful thing by itself but when you see it result in gorgeous creations like yours – wow, all the more reason to become more mindful xx
    Sonia Life Love Hiccups recently posted…When Two Great Loves CollideMy Profile

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Sarah-Preston-TomfoHi I'm Sarah, I'm a blogger and an artist who’s made the sea change and moved to the north coast of Australia. I love an easy DIY and making my house my canvas, my new home has become my greatest project: Yamba Scandi. Come visit me in my shop to view my collection of prints, canvasses, home decor and paper goods READ MORE.

Sarah Preston

Yamba Scandi Collection | Tomfo | Scandinavian prints | black & white prints | wall art decor  

Yamba Scandi Collection // Black and white prints and canvasses // Home decor //Paper goods

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